Midweek Communiqué from the Interim Pastor
Monday, 04 November 2024 – Sent on Tuesday, 05 November 2024
Dear Members and Friends of Redeemer and St. Theodore,
It is Monday and I have been thinking about you today. I wrote a few lines to send to you tomorrow on Tuesday, November 5th, the National Day of Election. Over the past weeks, while we have striven to be totally non-partisan within our congregation, I have spoken to a number of you one-on-one who have offered concerns and commentary from “both sides of the aisle.” Just like the nation of which we are a part, just like my extended family, the people of our congregation are not of one mind and heart when it comes to our political leanings and alliances. That is quite understandable, and, of course, it is completely acceptable in our democracy and in our land of the free.
As I imagine many of you also do, I listen to and watch the news, read the newspaper, open my emails and text messages, and talk with people on the phone. This year, perhaps more than any other year in my own memory, I have heard words and language filled with genuine nervousness, great anxiety, grave concern, even anger, and much uncertainty. This morning, I heard a commentator lamenting that normally we would look to the “facts and the realities” to know what is “true;” but, said the commentator, “in today's political environment half the nation believes in one set of facts and the other half embraces a totally different and opposing set of facts, and both sides believe their differing facts are absolutely true.” Our nation has never been of one mind, but today it is very divided, and for many people, that is unsettling.
We are hearing… “…that it is a time of historic consequences,” “…that it is the wildest national campaign in American history,” “…that it is a time when we may have for the first time a woman as the head of state, or we may have the oldest elected president we have ever had, and never before have we had the same person running in three consecutive presidential elections.” No matter which way the votes go, after all the counting and tabulating has been done, it will be a historic moment for the people of the United States.
I want to send this election day message of pastoral care to our beloved and faithful congregation. We are a tiny microcosm of this nation—not all of the same mind and heart politically. I encourage us to know and believe that God has always been and will always continue to be our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Giver of Faith. This is God's world that our Lord God loves so much that God sent the only-begotten Son to bring hope and love, faith and life to an imperfect world, society, and people. God asks us first to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and might,” and then God asks us to “love our neighbors (our friends, our family members, and everyone else) as we love ourselves,” and that includes loving the person across the street whose political leanings and front yard signs are completely opposite of our own.
Today I am praying for a calm and gentle spirit. I am entrusting the days ahead to God. I know at the end of day, I will have either emotions of great joy and thanksgiving or I will be saddened and deeply disappointed, depending on how the final votes are tallied. I will seek God's grace and mercy and love as we live with the results of today's elections, and I will ask for the Spirit of God to bring calm into our anxieties and bring faith into our uncertainties. I am praying the opening lines of Ray Repp’s hymn which echo the words of Jesus,
“Into your hands we commend our spirits, O Lord,
Into your hands we commend our hearts…”
May the care of God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – give you calm and peace,
+The Rev. Murray D. Finck
+The Rev. Murray D. Finck, Bishop Emeritus